Sunday, August 17, 2008

first step: 2 meters

The goal of this space is simply to help teach my mom how to blog.

It killed me when mom asked "how do I blog?"

When a suspected talent in the world of publishing held a workshop recently, my mom decided to test the waters. The host suggested attendees start blogging to assist putting their names and their work "out there." Like my mom, I am not quite sure how that works in the blogosphere, but I'm willing to find out.

Despite my position beyond the years of parents-know-everything, I know that mom has, tucked away in her beautiful brain (scattered, no doubt), the type of knowledge and experiences that people may find very valuable. I do not expect that hunch to garner her instant fame through the magic of blogging. Actually, based upon her past experience fighting the little man inside the computer, I'm not quite sure a blog is the right medium for her to focus attention. But that is for her to decide.

She has been dreaming of writing for forty years; however navigating seven kids to adulthood put that dream on the distant horizon. After expending her every energy on being mom, she is now ready to fulfill her second dream--make her second mark on the world. After raising seven kids through the internet age, you'd think that one of them would be able to give her an answer to her innocent question about blogging, but no. After pushing seven dreams forward with her helpful gusto, we couldn't help back. And that's why it killed me that I couldn't answer her question "how do I blog?"

The name of this blog is in reference to the author that reminds me most of mom. And it isn't because she named me after him (among others), or because together we took a college literature class about him while I was still in the womb, or because I was born on his birthday. They do help, but mostly, it is the man's work that reminds me of her. His playful stories, his moments of profound truth, his modesty, his honesty all remind me of my mom. And like him, if she is to succeed in writing, it is her style, her personality, her conduit of that valuable knowledge and experience within her that will ultimately bring her success.

She was so excited the day technology brought us the news that in our genealogy is a riverboat captain. She always wanted to be a riverboat captain. Well, hopefully technology can help her take another step towards the rarefied air our favorite author breathed while at the helm of a riverboat. "to the mark twain." safe water.
wo fathoms.